Sunday, December 7, 2008


She's never thought of herself as virtuous... She freely admits her tendencies... But there is one virtue, unlike so many others, that she has lacked since birth. It's documented that she had it then, but now... it's lost forever it would seem. She has never demonstrated its existence since that fateful day in January. It is not a horrible virtue to be without most days. She functions like a normal being on the outside. Rarely do the effects of her internal destruction see the light of day. It is only on the inside that the worst of her incorrigible tendencies roams freely, painfully about, causing havoc. As if her insides needed something else to work improperly. And to make matters worse, she finds herself attempting to practice this virtue with more than one source of seduction. Poor lost child. The woods are dark and thick within her and even her attempts at virtuous behavior are in vain... She will fail in the end.

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